Supported Versions: PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8
Calculate the md5 hash of a string
<?php md5(string $string, bool $binary = false): string
<?php             }

            if (!$suffix) {

                $suffix = $config->get('autoloader-suffix') ?: md5(uniqid('', true));


<?php         }

        if ($this->apcu) {

            $apcuPrefix = var_export(($this->apcuPrefix !== null ? $this->apcuPrefix : substr(base64_encode(md5(uniqid('', true), true)), 0, -3)), true);

            $file .= <<<APCU

<?php     protected function getFileIdentifier(PackageInterface $package, $path)


        return md5($package->getName() . ':' . $path);

<?php             Silencer::call(function () use ($io) {

                $tempfile = sys_get_temp_dir() . '/temp-' . md5(microtime());

                if (!(file_put_contents($tempfile, __FILE__) && (file_get_contents($tempfile) == __FILE__) && unlink($tempfile) && !file_exists($tempfile))) {

                    $io->writeError(sprintf('<error>PHP temp directory (%s) does not exist or is not writable to Composer. Set sys_temp_dir in your php.ini</error>', sys_get_temp_dir()));

<?php     public function getHash()


        $data = unpack('ihash', md5(implode(',', $this->literals), true));

        return $data['hash'];

<?php     public function getHash()


        $data = unpack('ihash', md5('c:'.implode(',', $this->literals), true));

        return $data['hash'];

<?php         }

        do {

            $temporaryDir = $vendorDir.'/composer/'.substr(md5(uniqid('', true)), 0, 8);

        } while (is_dir($temporaryDir));

        $this->addCleanupPath($package, $temporaryDir);
<?php     protected function getFileName(PackageInterface $package, $path)


        return rtrim($this->config->get('vendor-dir').'/composer/tmp-'.md5($package.spl_object_hash($package)).'.'.pathinfo(parse_url($package->getDistUrl(), PHP_URL_PATH), PATHINFO_EXTENSION), '.');

<?php     {

        $this->lockFile = $lockFile;

        $this->installationManager = $installationManager;

        $this->hash = md5($composerFileContents);

        $this->contentHash = self::getContentHash($composerFileContents);

        $this->loader = new ArrayLoader(null, true);

        $this->dumper = new ArrayDumper();
<?php         ksort($relevantContent);

        return md5(JsonFile::encode($relevantContent, 0));

<?php     public static function processUrl($mirrorUrl, $packageName, $version, $reference, $type, $prettyVersion = null)


        if ($reference) {

            $reference = Preg::isMatch('{^([a-f0-9]*|%reference%)$}', $reference) ? $reference : md5($reference);


        $version = strpos($version, '/') === false ? $version : md5($version);
<?php         if ($reference) {

            $reference = Preg::isMatch('{^([a-f0-9]*|%reference%)$}', $reference) ? $reference : md5($reference);


        $version = strpos($version, '/') === false ? $version : md5($version);

        $from = array('%package%', '%version%', '%reference%', '%type%');

        $to = array($packageName, $version, $reference, $type);
<?php     {

        $rule = new GenericRule(array(123), Rule::RULE_ROOT_REQUIRE, array('packageName' => '', 'constraint' => new MatchAllConstraint));

        $hash = unpack('ihash', md5('123', true));

        $this->assertEquals($hash['hash'], $rule->getHash());

<?php             $config = new Config();


        if (!$config->has('home')) {

            $tmpDir = realpath(sys_get_temp_dir()).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'cmptest-'.md5(uniqid('', true));

            $config->merge(array('config' => array('home' => $tmpDir)));

<?php     protected function createPackageMock()


        return $this->getMockBuilder('Composer\Package\Package')

            ->setConstructorArgs(array(md5((string) mt_rand()), '', '1.0.0'))


