Supported Versions: PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8
Strip whitespace (or other characters) from the beginning and end of a string
<?php trim(string $string, string $characters = " \n\r\t\v\x00"): string
<?php }
foreach ($package->getIncludePaths() as $includePath) {
$includePath = trim($includePath, '/');
$includePaths[] = empty($installPath) ? $includePath : $installPath.'/'.$includePath;
<?php if ($type === 'exclude-from-classmap') {
$path = Preg::replace('{/+}', '/', preg_quote(trim(strtr($path, '\\', '/'), '/')));
$path = strtr($path, array('\\*\\*' => '.+?', '\\*' => '[^/]+?'));
<?php $message = 'File at "%s" does not exist, check your classmap definitions';
} elseif (!Filesystem::isReadable($path)) {
$message = 'File at "%s" is not readable, check its permissions';
} elseif ('' === trim((string) file_get_contents($path))) {
return array();
} else {
<?php }
$this->process->execute('git config color.ui', $output);
if (strtolower(trim($output)) === 'always') {
return '<comment>Your git color.ui setting is set to always, this is known to create issues. Use "git config --global color.ui true" to set it correctly.</comment>';
<?php case 'openssl_version':
$opensslVersion = strstr(trim(strstr(OPENSSL_VERSION_TEXT, ' ')), ' ', true);
$opensslVersion = $opensslVersion ?: OPENSSL_VERSION_TEXT;
$text = "The OpenSSL library ({$opensslVersion}) used by PHP does not support TLSv1.2 or TLSv1.1.".PHP_EOL;
<?php if (Preg::isMatch('/^(?P<name>[- .,\p{L}\p{N}\p{Mn}\'’"()]+) <(?P<email>.+?)>$/u', $author, $match)) {
if ($this->isValidEmail($match['email'])) {
return array(
'name' => trim($match['name']),
'email' => $match['email'],
<?php if (false !== $package && false === strpos($package, ' ')) {
$validator = function ($input) {
$input = trim($input);
return $input ?: false;
<?php $io->write('Open <info></info> to find the latest keys');
$validator = function ($value) {
if (!Preg::isMatch('{^-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----$}', trim($value))) {
throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Invalid input');
<?php throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Invalid input');
return trim($value)."\n";
$devKey = '';
<?php while (!Preg::isMatch('{(-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----.+?-----END PUBLIC KEY-----)}s', $devKey, $match)) {
$devKey = $io->askAndValidate('Enter Dev / Snapshot Public Key (including lines with -----): ', $validator);
while ($line = $io->ask('')) {
$devKey .= trim($line)."\n";
if (trim($line) === '-----END PUBLIC KEY-----') {
<?php $devKey = $io->askAndValidate('Enter Dev / Snapshot Public Key (including lines with -----): ', $validator);
while ($line = $io->ask('')) {
$devKey .= trim($line)."\n";
if (trim($line) === '-----END PUBLIC KEY-----') {
<?php while (!Preg::isMatch('{(-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----.+?-----END PUBLIC KEY-----)}s', $tagsKey, $match)) {
$tagsKey = $io->askAndValidate('Enter Tags Public Key (including lines with -----): ', $validator);
while ($line = $io->ask('')) {
$tagsKey .= trim($line)."\n";
if (trim($line) === '-----END PUBLIC KEY-----') {
<?php $tagsKey = $io->askAndValidate('Enter Tags Public Key (including lines with -----): ', $validator);
while ($line = $io->ask('')) {
$tagsKey .= trim($line)."\n";
if (trim($line) === '-----END PUBLIC KEY-----') {
<?php if ($process->run() != 0) {
throw new \RuntimeException('Can\'t run git log. You must ensure to run compile from composer git repository clone and that git binary is available.');
$this->version = trim($process->getOutput());
$process = new Process(array('git', 'log', '-n1', '--pretty=%ci', 'HEAD'), __DIR__);
if ($process->run() != 0) {
<?php throw new \RuntimeException('Can\'t run git log. You must ensure to run compile from composer git repository clone and that git binary is available.');
$this->versionDate = new \DateTime(trim($process->getOutput()));
$this->versionDate->setTimezone(new \DateTimeZone('UTC'));
$process = new Process(array('git', 'describe', '--tags', '--exact-match', 'HEAD'), __DIR__);