Supported Versions: PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8
Return a formatted string
<?php sprintf(string $format, mixed ...$values): string
<?php             );

            $value = ltrim(Preg::replace('/^ */m', '    $0$0', $value));

            $file .= sprintf("    public static $%s = %s;\n\n", $prop, $value);

            if ('files' !== $prop) {

                $initializer .= "            \$loader->$prop = ComposerStaticInit$suffix::\$$prop;\n";

<?php             $maps = array_merge($maps, static::createMap($dir));


        file_put_contents($file, sprintf('<?php return %s;', var_export($maps, true)));

<?php             if (isset($error['message'])) {

                $message .= PHP_EOL . 'The following message may be helpful:' . PHP_EOL . $error['message'];


            throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf($message, $path));

<?php                     unlink($tempFileName);

                    $message = sprintf(

                        '<warning>Writing %1$s into cache failed after %2$u of %3$u bytes written, only %4$u bytes of free space available</warning>',






<?php         $packages = $installedRepo->findPackagesWithReplacersAndProviders($needle);

        if (empty($packages)) {

            throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Could not find package "%s" in your project', $needle));

<?php         $results = $installedRepo->getDependents($needles, $constraint, $inverted, $recursive);

        if (empty($results)) {

            $extra = (null !== $constraint) ? sprintf(' in versions %smatching %s', $inverted ? 'not ' : '', $textConstraint) : '';


                '<info>There is no installed package depending on "%s"%s</info>',

<?php         $results = $installedRepo->getDependents($needles, $constraint, $inverted, $recursive);

        if (empty($results)) {

            $extra = (null !== $constraint) ? sprintf(' in versions %smatching %s', $inverted ? 'not ' : '', $textConstraint) : '';


                '<info>There is no installed package depending on "%s"%s</info>',




        } elseif ($renderTree) {


            $root = $packages[0];
<?php         } elseif ($renderTree) {


            $root = $packages[0];

            $this->getIO()->write(sprintf('<info>%s</info> %s %s', $root->getPrettyName(), $root->getPrettyVersion(), $root instanceof CompletePackageInterface ? $root->getDescription() : ''));


        } else {

            $this->printTable($output, $results);
<?php                 }

                $doubles[$unique] = true;

                $version = $package->getPrettyVersion() === RootPackage::DEFAULT_PRETTY_VERSION ? '-' : $package->getPrettyVersion();

                $rows[] = array($package->getPrettyName(), $version, $link->getDescription(), sprintf('%s (%s)', $link->getTarget(), $link->getPrettyConstraint()));

                if ($children) {

                    $queue = array_merge($queue, $children);

<?php             $prevColor = $this->colors[($level - 1) % count($this->colors)];

            $isLast = (++$idx == $count);

            $versionText = $package->getPrettyVersion() === RootPackage::DEFAULT_PRETTY_VERSION ? '' : $package->getPrettyVersion();

            $packageText = rtrim(sprintf('<%s>%s</%1$s> %s', $color, $package->getPrettyName(), $versionText));

            $linkText = sprintf('%s <%s>%s</%2$s> %s', $link->getDescription(), $prevColor, $link->getTarget(), $link->getPrettyConstraint());

            $circularWarn = $children === false ? '(circular dependency aborted here)' : '';

            $this->writeTreeLine(rtrim(sprintf("%s%s%s (%s) %s", $prefix, $isLast ? '└──' : '├──', $packageText, $linkText, $circularWarn)));
<?php             $isLast = (++$idx == $count);

            $versionText = $package->getPrettyVersion() === RootPackage::DEFAULT_PRETTY_VERSION ? '' : $package->getPrettyVersion();

            $packageText = rtrim(sprintf('<%s>%s</%1$s> %s', $color, $package->getPrettyName(), $versionText));

            $linkText = sprintf('%s <%s>%s</%2$s> %s', $link->getDescription(), $prevColor, $link->getTarget(), $link->getPrettyConstraint());

            $circularWarn = $children === false ? '(circular dependency aborted here)' : '';

            $this->writeTreeLine(rtrim(sprintf("%s%s%s (%s) %s", $prefix, $isLast ? '└──' : '├──', $packageText, $linkText, $circularWarn)));

            if ($children) {
<?php             $packageText = rtrim(sprintf('<%s>%s</%1$s> %s', $color, $package->getPrettyName(), $versionText));

            $linkText = sprintf('%s <%s>%s</%2$s> %s', $link->getDescription(), $prevColor, $link->getTarget(), $link->getPrettyConstraint());

            $circularWarn = $children === false ? '(circular dependency aborted here)' : '';

            $this->writeTreeLine(rtrim(sprintf("%s%s%s (%s) %s", $prefix, $isLast ? '└──' : '├──', $packageText, $linkText, $circularWarn)));

            if ($children) {

                $this->printTree($children, $prefix . ($isLast ? '   ' : '│  '), $level + 1);

<?php             $rows[] = array(



                $link ? sprintf('%s %s %s (%s)', $link->getSource(), $link->getDescription(), $link->getTarget(), $link->getPrettyConstraint()) : '',



<?php         }

        if (!$this->configFile->exists()) {

            throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('File "%s" cannot be found in the current directory', $configFile));


<?php             }

            if (true !== $booleanValidator($values[0])) {

                throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf(

                    '"%s" is an invalid value',




            $normalizedValue = $booleanNormalizer($values[0]);