
Supported Versions: PHP 8
Gets the type name of a variable in a way that is suitable for debugging
<?php get_debug_type(mixed $value): string
<?php         $allowedTypes = is_array($type) ? $type : [$type];

        return $this->each(function ($item, $index) use ($allowedTypes) {

            $itemType = get_debug_type($item);

            foreach ($allowedTypes as $allowedType) {

                if ($itemType === $allowedType || $item instanceof $allowedType) {
<?php         if ($a) {

            static $publicProperties = [];

            $debugClass = $debugClass ?? get_debug_type($obj);

            $i = 0;

            $prefixedKeys = [];
<?php         if (isset($a[$xPrefix.'previous'], $a[$trace]) && $a[$xPrefix.'previous'] instanceof \Exception) {

            $b = (array) $a[$xPrefix.'previous'];

            $class = get_debug_type($a[$xPrefix.'previous']);

            self::traceUnshift($b[$xPrefix.'trace'], $class, $b[$prefix.'file'], $b[$prefix.'line']);

            $a[$trace] = new TraceStub($b[$xPrefix.'trace'], false, 0, -\count($a[$trace]->value));

<?php                 } elseif (\is_bool($v)) {

                    $signature .= $v ? 'true' : 'false';

                } elseif (\is_object($v)) {

                    $signature .= 'new '.substr(strrchr('\\'.get_debug_type($v), '\\'), 1);

                } else {

                    $signature .= $v;

<?php         $class = $stub->class;

        if (\PHP_VERSION_ID < 80000 ? "\0" === ($class[15] ?? null) : str_contains($class, "@anonymous\0")) {

            $stub->class = get_debug_type($obj);


        if (isset($this->classInfo[$class])) {

            [$i, $parents, $hasDebugInfo, $fileInfo] = $this->classInfo[$class];
<?php     public function getIterator()


        if (!\is_array($value = $this->getValue())) {

            throw new \LogicException(sprintf('"%s" object holds non-iterable type "%s".', self::class, get_debug_type($value)));


        yield from $value;