Supported Versions: PHP 4 >= 4.2.0, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8
Outputs or returns a parsable string representation of a variable
<?php var_export(mixed $value, bool $return = false): ?string
<?php protected function getStorableEnumValue($expectedEnum, $value)
if (! $value instanceof $expectedEnum) {
throw new ValueError(sprintf('Value [%s] is not of the expected enum type [%s].', var_export($value, true), $expectedEnum));
return $value instanceof BackedEnum
<?php $configPath = $this->laravel->getCachedConfigPath();
$configPath, '<?php return '.var_export($config, true).';'.PHP_EOL
try {
<?php file_put_contents(
'<?php return '.var_export($this->getEvents(), true).';'
$this->components->info('Events cached successfully.');
<?php {
$stub = $this->files->get(__DIR__.'/stubs/routes.stub');
return str_replace('{{routes}}', var_export($routes->compile(), true), $stub);
<?php }
$this->manifestPath, '<?php return '.var_export($manifest, true).';'
<?php }
$this->manifestPath, '<?php return '.var_export($manifest, true).';'
return array_merge(['when' => []], $manifest);
<?php protected function formatMessage($message)
if (is_array($message)) {
return var_export($message, true);
} elseif ($message instanceof Jsonable) {
return $message->toJson();
} elseif ($message instanceof Arrayable) {
<?php } elseif ($message instanceof Jsonable) {
return $message->toJson();
} elseif ($message instanceof Arrayable) {
return var_export($message->toArray(), true);
return (string) $message;
<?php $f = new ComparisonFailure(
var_export($patched, true),
var_export($other, true)
<?php $patched,
var_export($patched, true),
var_export($other, true)
$this->fail($other, $description, $f);
<?php public function testWriteManifestStoresToProperLocation()
$repo = new ProviderRepository(m::mock(ApplicationContract::class), $files = m::mock(Filesystem::class), __DIR__.'/services.php');
$files->shouldReceive('replace')->once()->with(__DIR__.'/services.php', '<?php return '.var_export(['foo'], true).';');
$result = $repo->writeManifest(['foo']);
<?php }
$thisFile = __FILE__;
$logfile = var_export($this->logfile, true);
$script = <<<PHP
#!/usr/bin/env php
<?php $this->expectException(ValueError::class);
sprintf('Value [%s] is not of the expected enum type [%s].', var_export(ArrayableStatus::pending, true), StringStatus::class)
$model->string_status = ArrayableStatus::pending;
<?php public function testDeserializationOccursCorrectly()
$carbon = new Carbon('2017-06-27 13:14:15.000000');
$serialized = 'return '.var_export($carbon, true).';';
$deserialized = eval($serialized);
$this->assertInstanceOf(Carbon::class, $deserialized);
<?php if (is_scalar($value) || $value === null) {
return new self(sprintf(
'Could not convert PHP value %s to type %s. Expected one of the following types: %s',
var_export($value, true),
implode(', ', $possibleTypes)
), 0, $previous);