
Supported Versions: PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8
Finds whether the type of a variable is float
Alias is_double
<?php is_float(mixed $value): bool
<?php             return $array->offsetExists($key);


        if (is_float($key)) {

            $key = (string) $key;

<?php     {

        $value = $this->get($key, $default);

        if (! is_float($value)) {

            throw new InvalidArgumentException(

                sprintf('Configuration value for key [%s] must be a float, %s given.', $key, gettype($value))

<?php             return 'null';

        } elseif ($binary) {

            return $this->escapeBinary($value);

        } elseif (is_int($value) || is_float($value)) {

            return (string) $value;

        } elseif (is_bool($value)) {

            return $this->escapeBool($value);
<?php             return 0;


        if (is_int($result) || is_float($result)) {

            return $result;

<?php     public function __construct($chances, $outOf = null)


        if ($outOf === null && is_float($chances) && $chances > 1) {

            throw new RuntimeException('Float must not be greater than 1.');

<?php     public function quote($value, $type = ParameterType::STRING)


        if (is_int($value) || is_float($value)) {

            return $value;

<?php             return $value;


        if (is_float($value)) {

            return sprintf('%F', $value);

<?php     {

        if (PHP_VERSION_ID >= 80100 && is_float($value)) {

            return (string) $value;

<?php                     case null === $v:

                    case \is_bool($v):

                    case \is_int($v):

                    case \is_float($v):

                        continue 2;

                    case \is_string($v):

                        if ('' === $v) {