
Supported Versions: PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8
Find whether the type of a variable is string
<?php is_string(mixed $value): bool
<?php     public function pull($properties = null)


        $wantsASingleValue = is_string($properties);

        $properties = is_array($properties) ? $properties : func_get_args();
<?php     static function isAPrimitive($target) {


            is_numeric($target) ||

            is_string($target) ||

            is_bool($target) ||


<?php     static function escapeStringForHtml($subject)


        if (is_string($subject) || is_numeric($subject)) {

            return htmlspecialchars($subject, ENT_QUOTES|ENT_SUBSTITUTE);

<?php     static function generateBladeView($subject, $data = [])


        if (! is_string($subject)) {

            return tap($subject)->with($data);

<?php     protected function tryingToSetStringOrIntegerToEnum($subject)


        if (! is_string($subject) && ! is_int($subject)) return;

        $target = $this->subTarget ?? $this->component;
<?php         if (empty($params)) {

            $test = collect(data_get($this->effects, 'dispatches'))->contains('name', '=', $value);

        } elseif (isset($params[0]) && ! is_string($params[0]) && is_callable($params[0])) {

            $event = collect(data_get($this->effects, 'dispatches'))->first(function ($item) use ($value) {

                return $item['name'] === $value;

<?php     public static function canUnserialize($subject)


        if (is_string($subject)) {

            return (string) str($subject)->startsWith(['livewire-file:', 'livewire-files:']);

<?php     public static function unserializeFromLivewireRequest($subject)


        if (is_string($subject)) {

            if (str($subject)->startsWith('livewire-file:')) {

                return static::createFromLivewire(str($subject)->after('livewire-file:'));

<?php         if (! $uses) return;

        if (is_string($uses)) {

            $class = str($uses)->before('@')->toString();

            $method = str($uses)->after('@')->toString();
<?php         if (! $queryString = $this->getQueryString()) return;

        foreach ($queryString as $key => $value) {

            $key = is_string($key) ? $key : $value;

            $alias = $value['as'] ?? $key;

            $history = $value['history'] ?? true;

            $keep = $value['alwaysShow'] ?? $value['keep'] ?? false;
<?php     {

        $actual = $this->get($name);

        if (! is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) {


        } else {

            $strict ? PHPUnit::assertSame($value, $actual) : PHPUnit::assertEquals($value, $actual);
<?php     protected function render($component, $default = null)


        if ($html = store($component)->get('skipRender', false)) {

            $html = value(is_string($html) ? $html : $default);

            if (! $html) return;
<?php     protected function propertySynth($keyOrTarget, $context, $path): Synth


        return is_string($keyOrTarget)

            ? $this->getSynthesizerByKey($keyOrTarget, $context, $path)

            : $this->getSynthesizerByTarget($keyOrTarget, $context, $path);

<?php             ->filter(function ($value, $key) use ($persistentMiddleware) {

                return $persistentMiddleware->contains(function($iValue, $iKey) use ($value) {

                    if (! is_string($value)) return false;

                    return Str::before($value, ':') == $iValue;
<?php     public function define($ability, $callback)


        if (is_array($callback) && isset($callback[0]) && is_string($callback[0])) {

            $callback = $callback[0].'@'.$callback[1];
