
Supported Versions: PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8
Get the integer value of a variable
<?php intval(mixed $value, int $base = 10): int
<?php     protected function ensurePermissionsAreCorrect($path)


        if (is_null($this->filePermission) ||

            intval($this->files->chmod($path), 8) == $this->filePermission) {


<?php                         }

                    } else {

                        $result = match ($options) {

                            SORT_NUMERIC => intval($values[0]) <=> intval($values[1]),

                            SORT_STRING => strcmp($values[0], $values[1]),

                            SORT_NATURAL => strnatcmp($values[0], $values[1]),

                            SORT_LOCALE_STRING => strcoll($values[0], $values[1]),
<?php     public function integer($key, $default = 0)


        return intval($this->input($key, $default));

<?php     public function toInteger($base = 10)


        return intval($this->value, $base);

<?php             $exception = $caught;


        $remainder = intval($microseconds - ((microtime(true) - $start) * 1000000));

        if (! $this->earlyReturn && $remainder > 0) {

<?php     {

        Route::get('/foo/{id}', function (Request $request, $id) {

            return $request->hasValidSignature()

                && intval($id) === 1

                && $request->has('paramEmpty')

                && $request->has('paramEmptyString')

                && $request->query('paramWithValue') === 'value'
<?php             $result[3] = 1;

        } elseif (preg_match($rgbPattern, $value, $matches)) {

            $result = [];

            $result[0] = ($matches[1] >= 0 && $matches[1] <= 255) ? intval($matches[1]) : 0;

            $result[1] = ($matches[2] >= 0 && $matches[2] <= 255) ? intval($matches[2]) : 0;

            $result[2] = ($matches[3] >= 0 && $matches[3] <= 255) ? intval($matches[3]) : 0;

            $result[3] = 1;
<?php         } elseif (preg_match($rgbPattern, $value, $matches)) {

            $result = [];

            $result[0] = ($matches[1] >= 0 && $matches[1] <= 255) ? intval($matches[1]) : 0;

            $result[1] = ($matches[2] >= 0 && $matches[2] <= 255) ? intval($matches[2]) : 0;

            $result[2] = ($matches[3] >= 0 && $matches[3] <= 255) ? intval($matches[3]) : 0;

            $result[3] = 1;

        } elseif (preg_match($rgbaPattern, $value, $matches)) {
<?php             $result = [];

            $result[0] = ($matches[1] >= 0 && $matches[1] <= 255) ? intval($matches[1]) : 0;

            $result[1] = ($matches[2] >= 0 && $matches[2] <= 255) ? intval($matches[2]) : 0;

            $result[2] = ($matches[3] >= 0 && $matches[3] <= 255) ? intval($matches[3]) : 0;

            $result[3] = 1;

        } elseif (preg_match($rgbaPattern, $value, $matches)) {

            $result = [];
<?php             $result[3] = 1;

        } elseif (preg_match($rgbaPattern, $value, $matches)) {

            $result = [];

            $result[0] = ($matches[1] >= 0 && $matches[1] <= 255) ? intval($matches[1]) : 0;

            $result[1] = ($matches[2] >= 0 && $matches[2] <= 255) ? intval($matches[2]) : 0;

            $result[2] = ($matches[3] >= 0 && $matches[3] <= 255) ? intval($matches[3]) : 0;

            $result[3] = ($matches[4] >= 0 && $matches[4] <= 1) ? $matches[4] : 0;
<?php         } elseif (preg_match($rgbaPattern, $value, $matches)) {

            $result = [];

            $result[0] = ($matches[1] >= 0 && $matches[1] <= 255) ? intval($matches[1]) : 0;

            $result[1] = ($matches[2] >= 0 && $matches[2] <= 255) ? intval($matches[2]) : 0;

            $result[2] = ($matches[3] >= 0 && $matches[3] <= 255) ? intval($matches[3]) : 0;

            $result[3] = ($matches[4] >= 0 && $matches[4] <= 1) ? $matches[4] : 0;

        } else {
<?php             $result = [];

            $result[0] = ($matches[1] >= 0 && $matches[1] <= 255) ? intval($matches[1]) : 0;

            $result[1] = ($matches[2] >= 0 && $matches[2] <= 255) ? intval($matches[2]) : 0;

            $result[2] = ($matches[3] >= 0 && $matches[3] <= 255) ? intval($matches[3]) : 0;

            $result[3] = ($matches[4] >= 0 && $matches[4] <= 1) ? $matches[4] : 0;

        } else {

            throw new NotReadableException(
<?php             );


        $this->quality = intval($quality);

        return $this;

<?php     public function border($width, $color = null)


        $this->border_width = is_numeric($width) ? intval($width) : 0;

        $this->border_color = is_null($color) ? '#000000' : $color;

<?php     private function isDigit($value)


        return is_numeric($value) ? intval($value) == $value : false;

