
Supported Versions: PHP 4 >= 4.0.2, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8
Returns the resource type
<?php get_resource_type(resource $resource): string
<?php             if ($types[$parameter - 1] === static::$_paramTypeMap[ParameterType::LARGE_OBJECT]) {

                if (is_resource($value)) {

                    if (get_resource_type($value) !== 'stream') {

                        throw NonStreamResourceUsedAsLargeObject::new($parameter);

<?php     public function isGdResource()


        if (is_resource($this->data)) {

            return (get_resource_type($this->data) == 'gd');


        if ($this->data instanceof \GdImage) {
<?php     {

        if ($this->data instanceof StreamInterface) return true;

        if (!is_resource($this->data)) return false;

        if (get_resource_type($this->data) !== 'stream') return false;

        return true;

<?php         $img->backup();


        $this->assertEquals(get_resource_type($img->getCore()), 'Unknown');

        $this->assertEquals(get_resource_type($img->getBackup()), 'Unknown');

<?php         $this->assertEquals(get_resource_type($img->getCore()), 'Unknown');

        $this->assertEquals(get_resource_type($img->getBackup()), 'Unknown');


    public function testStringConversion()
<?php             throw new InvalidStreamProvided(

                "Invalid stream provided, expected stream resource, received " . gettype($contents)


        } elseif ($type = get_resource_type($contents) !== 'stream') {

            throw new InvalidStreamProvided(

                "Invalid stream provided, expected stream resource, received resource of type " . $type

<?php             case 'resource (closed)':

                $this->type = self::TYPE_RESOURCE;

                $this->handle = (int) $value;

                if ('Unknown' === $this->class = @get_resource_type($value)) {

                    $this->class = 'Closed';


                $this->cut = -1;
<?php                         if (empty($resRefs[$h = (int) $v])) {

                            $stub = new Stub();

                            $stub->type = Stub::TYPE_RESOURCE;

                            if ('Unknown' === $stub->class = @get_resource_type($v)) {

                                $stub->class = 'Closed';


                            $stub->value = $v;
<?php     private function hasColorSupport($stream): bool


        if (!\is_resource($stream) || 'stream' !== get_resource_type($stream)) {

            return false;
