Supported Versions: PHP 4 >= 4.0.1, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8
Calculates the crc32 polynomial of a string
<?php crc32(string $string): int
<?php store($this->component)->push('reactiveProps', $property);
$this->originalValueHash = crc32(json_encode($this->getValue()));
public function hydrate()
<?php $this->setValue($updatedValue);
$this->originalValueHash = crc32(json_encode($this->getValue()));
public function dehydrate($context)
<?php public function dehydrate($context)
if ($this->originalValueHash !== crc32(json_encode($this->getValue()))) {
throw new CannotMutateReactivePropException($this->component->getName(), $this->getName());
<?php $viewPath = crc32(app('blade.compiler')->getPath());
if (! isset(static::$countersByViewPath[$viewPath])) static::$countersByViewPath[$viewPath] = 0;
<?php protected function key()
if (! $this->key) {
return (string) 'lw' . crc32($this->component->getName() . $this->getName());
return self::replaceDynamicPlaceholders($this->key, $this->component);
<?php }
<?php {
$this->memo[$this->target] ??= [];
$signature = $method . crc32(json_encode($params));
return $this->memo[$this->target][$signature]
??= $this->target->$method(...$params);
<?php foreach ($this->nonAliasedClasses as $class) {
if (crc32($class) === $name) {
return $class;
<?php foreach ($this->nonAliasedClasses as $oneOff) {
if (crc32($oneOff) === $hash = crc32($class)) {
return $hash;
<?php $path = $viewContent;
$this->currentPathHash = crc32($path);
<?php $identifier = new Identifier($identifier);
return strtoupper(dechex(crc32($identifier->getName())));
protected function getCommentOnTableSQL(string $tableName, ?string $comment): string
<?php protected function _generateIdentifierName($columnNames, $prefix = '', $maxSize = 30)
$hash = implode('', array_map(static function ($column): string {
return dechex(crc32($column));
}, $columnNames));
return strtoupper(substr($prefix . '_' . $hash, 0, $maxSize));