Supported Versions: PHP 4 >= 4.0.1, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8
Pad a string to a certain length with another string
<?php str_pad( string $string, int $length, string $pad_string = " ", int $pad_type = STR_PAD_RIGHT): string
<?php {
$expression = $this->formatCronExpression($event->expression, $expressionSpacing);
$repeatExpression = str_pad($this->getRepeatExpression($event), $repeatExpressionSpacing);
$command = $event->command ?? '';
<?php $expressions = preg_split("/\s+/", $expression);
return collect($spacing)
->map(fn ($length, $index) => str_pad($expressions[$index], $length))
->implode(' ');
<?php $description = substr($description, 0, $remaining - 3) . '...';
$io->write(str_pad($result['name'], $nameLength, ' ') . $warning . $description);
} elseif ($format === 'json') {
<?php }
foreach ($packages as $package) {
$io->write($indent . str_pad($package['name'], $nameLength, ' '), false);
if (isset($package['version']) && $writeVersion) {
$io->write(' ' . str_pad($package['version'], $versionLength, ' '), false);
<?php foreach ($packages as $package) {
$io->write($indent . str_pad($package['name'], $nameLength, ' '), false);
if (isset($package['version']) && $writeVersion) {
$io->write(' ' . str_pad($package['version'], $versionLength, ' '), false);
if (isset($package['latest']) && $writeLatest) {
$latestVersion = $package['latest'];
<?php if (!$io->isDecorated()) {
$latestVersion = str_replace(array('up-to-date', 'semver-safe-update', 'update-possible'), array('=', '!', '~'), $updateStatus) . ' ' . $latestVersion;
$io->write(' <' . $style . '>' . str_pad($latestVersion, $latestLength, ' ') . '</' . $style . '>', false);
if (isset($package['description']) && $writeDescription) {
$description = strtok($package['description'], "\r\n");
<?php $str = "Pool:\n";
foreach ($this->packages as $package) {
$str .= '- '.str_pad((string) $package->id, 6, ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT).': '.$package->getName()."\n";
return $str;
<?php {
$string = "\n";
foreach ($this->rules as $type => $rules) {
$string .= str_pad(self::$types[$type], 8, ' ') . ": ";
foreach ($rules as $rule) {
$string .= ($repositorySet && $request && $pool ? $rule->getPrettyString($repositorySet, $request, $pool, $isVerbose) : $rule)."\n";
<?php $mask .= chr(0xff ^ (0xff >> $remainder));
$mask = str_pad($mask, $size, chr(0));
return $this->ipMapTo6($mask, $size);
<?php private function padColumn(string $text, int $width)
$ansiCharacterPadding = strlen($text) - strlen($this->stripAnsi($text));
return str_pad($text, $width + $ansiCharacterPadding);
private function stripAnsi(string $text): string
<?php function ansi(int $code)
$code = str_pad($code, 3, 0, STR_PAD_LEFT);
return "\x1b[{$code}m";
<?php private static function formatSeconds(string $s, string $us): string
return sprintf('%02d.%s', $s, 0 === ($len = \strlen($t = rtrim($us, '0'))) ? '0' : ($len <= 3 ? str_pad($t, 3, '0') : $us));
<?php $this->output->write("\r");
$this->output->write(str_pad(' ', $this->lineLength));
<?php protected function disableForeignKeyConstraints($stub): string
$stub = str_replace('Schema::create(', 'Schema::disableForeignKeyConstraints();' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . str_pad(' ', 8) . 'Schema::create(', $stub);
$stub = str_replace('});', '});' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . str_pad(' ', 8) . 'Schema::enableForeignKeyConstraints();', $stub);
<?php {
$stub = str_replace('Schema::create(', 'Schema::disableForeignKeyConstraints();' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . str_pad(' ', 8) . 'Schema::create(', $stub);
$stub = str_replace('});', '});' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . str_pad(' ', 8) . 'Schema::enableForeignKeyConstraints();', $stub);
return $stub;