Supported Versions: PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8
Find the position of the first occurrence of a substring in a string
<?php strpos(string $haystack, string $needle, int $offset = 0): int|false
<?php {
$prefix = $connection->getTablePrefix();
return strpos($table, $prefix) === 0
? substr($table, strlen($prefix))
: $table;
<?php protected function extractQueryString($path)
if (($queryPosition = strpos($path, '?')) !== false) {
return [
substr($path, 0, $queryPosition),
substr($path, $queryPosition),
<?php return $subject;
$position = strpos($subject, $search);
if ($position !== false) {
return substr_replace($subject, $replace, $position, strlen($search));
<?php return $subject;
$position = strpos($subject, $search, $offset);
if ($position !== false) {
return [
<?php public function hasHintInformation($name)
return strpos($name, static::HINT_PATH_DELIMITER) > 0;
<?php {
$mySqlVersion = DB::select('select version()')[0]->{'version()'} ?? '';
if (strpos($mySqlVersion, 'Maria') !== false) {
$this->markTestSkipped('Lateral joins are not supported on MariaDB'.__CLASS__);
} elseif ((float) $mySqlVersion < '8.0.14') {
$this->markTestSkipped('Lateral joins are not supported on MySQL < 8.0.14'.__CLASS__);
<?php $arg['Destinations'] === ['', ''] &&
$arg['ListManagementOptions'] === ['ContactListName' => 'TestList', 'TopicName' => 'TestTopic'] &&
$arg['Tags'] === [['Name' => 'FooTag', 'Value' => 'TagValue']] &&
strpos($arg['RawMessage']['Data'], 'Reply-To: Taylor Otwell <>') !== false;
<?php $arg['Destination']['ToAddresses'] === ['', ''] &&
$arg['ListManagementOptions'] === ['ContactListName' => 'TestList', 'TopicName' => 'TestTopic'] &&
$arg['Tags'] === [['Name' => 'FooTag', 'Value' => 'TagValue']] &&
strpos($arg['Content']['Raw']['Data'], 'Reply-To: Taylor Otwell <>') !== false;
<?php private function classNameFromFileName(string $suiteClassFile): string
$className = basename($suiteClassFile, '.php');
$dotPos = strpos($className, '.');
if ($dotPos !== false) {
$className = substr($className, 0, $dotPos);
<?php $basename = basename($relativePath, '.php');
$dotPos = strpos($basename, '.');
if ($dotPos !== false) {
$basename = substr($basename, 0, $dotPos);
<?php case '0A000':
if (strpos($exception->getMessage(), 'truncate') !== false) {
return new ForeignKeyConstraintViolationException($exception, $query);
<?php if ($exception->getCode() === 7 && strpos($exception->getMessage(), 'SQLSTATE[08006]') !== false) {
return new ConnectionException($exception, $query);
<?php public function convert(Exception $exception, ?Query $query): DriverException
if (strpos($exception->getMessage(), 'database is locked') !== false) {
return new LockWaitTimeoutException($exception, $query);
<?php }
if (
strpos($exception->getMessage(), 'must be unique') !== false ||
strpos($exception->getMessage(), 'is not unique') !== false ||
strpos($exception->getMessage(), 'are not unique') !== false ||
strpos($exception->getMessage(), 'UNIQUE constraint failed') !== false
<?php if (
strpos($exception->getMessage(), 'must be unique') !== false ||
strpos($exception->getMessage(), 'is not unique') !== false ||
strpos($exception->getMessage(), 'are not unique') !== false ||
strpos($exception->getMessage(), 'UNIQUE constraint failed') !== false
) {