
Supported Versions: PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8
Find the position of the first occurrence of a case-insensitive substring in a string
<?php stripos(string $haystack, string $needle, int $offset = 0): int|false
<?php         if (stripos($table, ' as ') !== false) {

            return $this->wrapAliasedTable($table);

<?php         if (stripos($value, ' as ') !== false) {

            return $this->wrapAliasedValue($value);

<?php     protected function withoutSelectAliases(array $columns)


        return array_map(function ($column) {

            return is_string($column) && ($aliasPosition = stripos($column, ' as ')) !== false

                    ? substr($column, 0, $aliasPosition) : $column;

        }, $columns);

<?php         ]));

        $migrations = collect(preg_split("/\r\n|\n|\r/", $process->getOutput()))->filter(function ($line) {

            return stripos($line, 'sqlite_sequence') === false &&

                   strlen($line) > 0;

<?php             foreach (array_reverse($loadedClasses) as $loadedClass) {

                $offset = 0 - strlen($suiteClassName);

                if (stripos(substr($loadedClass, $offset - 1), '\\'.$suiteClassName) === 0 ||

                    stripos(substr($loadedClass, $offset - 1), '_'.$suiteClassName) === 0) {

                    try {

                        $class = new ReflectionClass($loadedClass);
<?php                 $offset = 0 - strlen($suiteClassName);

                if (stripos(substr($loadedClass, $offset - 1), '\\'.$suiteClassName) === 0 ||

                    stripos(substr($loadedClass, $offset - 1), '_'.$suiteClassName) === 0) {

                    try {

                        $class = new ReflectionClass($loadedClass);
<?php     public function createDatabasePlatformForVersion($version)


        $mariadb = stripos($version, 'mariadb') !== false;

        if ($mariadb && version_compare($this->getMariaDbMysqlVersionNumber($version), '10.2.7', '>=')) {

            return new MariaDb1027Platform();

<?php     public function getServerVersion()


        $serverInfos = $this->conn->get_server_info();

        if (stripos($serverInfos, 'mariadb') !== false) {

            return $serverInfos;

<?php         $this->conn = $conn;

        $this->sql  = $sql;

        if (stripos($sql, 'INSERT INTO ') !== 0) {


<?php         $forceFetch = $input->getOption('force-fetch');


        if (stripos($sql, 'select') === 0 || $forceFetch) {

            $resultSet = $conn->fetchAllAssociative($sql);

        } else {

            $resultSet = $conn->executeStatement($sql);
<?php         $response = ftp_raw($this->connection, 'HELP');

        return $this->isPureFtpdServer = stripos(implode(' ', $response), 'Pure-FTPd') !== false;


    public function fileExists(string $path): bool
<?php             $path = $this->escapePath($path);


        return ftp_rawlist($connection, $options . ' ' . $path, stripos($options, 'R') !== false) ?: [];


    public function move(string $source, string $destination, Config $config): void
<?php     spl_autoload_register(function ($class) {

        if (stripos($class, 'PHPCompatibility') !== 0) {


<?php     {

        if (PlatformRepository::isPlatformPackage($packageName)) {

            if (0 === stripos($packageName, 'php') || $packageName === 'hhvm') {

                $version = self::getPlatformPackageVersion($pool, $packageName, phpversion());

                $msg = "- Root composer.json requires ".$packageName.self::constraintToText($constraint).' but ';
<?php             }

            if (0 === stripos($packageName, 'ext-')) {

                if (false !== strpos($packageName, ' ')) {

                    return array('- ', "PHP extension ".$packageName.' should be required as '.str_replace(' ', '-', $packageName).'.');
