
Supported Versions: PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8
Translate characters or replace substrings
<?php strtr(string $string, string $from, string $to): string
<?php     protected function transformHeadersToServerVars(array $headers)


        return collect(array_merge($this->defaultHeaders, $headers))->mapWithKeys(function ($value, $name) {

            $name = strtr(strtoupper($name), '-', '_');

            return [$this->formatServerHeaderKey($name) => $value];

<?php         $uri = strtr(rawurlencode($uri), $this->dontEncode);

        if (! $absolute) {

            $uri = preg_replace('#^(//|[^/?])+#', '', $uri);
<?php     public static function swap(array $map, $subject)


        return strtr($subject, $map);

<?php     public function swap(array $map)


        return new static(strtr($this->value, $map));

<?php             $shouldReplace[':'.$key] = $value;


        return strtr($line, $shouldReplace);

<?php     protected function compileParent()


        $escapedLastSection = strtr($this->lastSection, ['\\' => '\\\\', "'" => "\\'"]);

        return "<?php echo \Illuminate\View\Factory::parentPlaceholder('{$escapedLastSection}'); ?>";

<?php             [$filename, $content] = $snapshots->get();


                strtr($content, ["\r\n" => "\n", "\r" => "\n"]),

                strtr($string, ["\r\n" => "\n", "\r" => "\n"]),

                $message === '' ? "Failed asserting that the string value matches its snapshot ($filename)." : $message

<?php             Assert::assertSame(

                strtr($content, ["\r\n" => "\n", "\r" => "\n"]),

                strtr($string, ["\r\n" => "\n", "\r" => "\n"]),

                $message === '' ? "Failed asserting that the string value matches its snapshot ($filename)." : $message


        } else {
<?php         }

        if (preg_match('/^\'(.*)\'$/', $columnDefault, $matches) === 1) {

            return strtr($matches[1], self::MARIADB_ESCAPE_SEQUENCES);


        switch ($columnDefault) {
<?php         $map = ['-' => '0', 'r' => '4', 'w' => '2', 'x' => '1'];

        $permissions = strtr($permissions, $map);

        $parts = str_split($permissions, 3);
<?php             '%25' => '%',


        return strtr(rawurlencode($url), $dont_encode);

<?php             $replacements['\\'.$from] = '['.$from.']';


        return strtr($format, $replacements);


    public static function containsTime($format)
<?php             return;


        $file = realpath(__DIR__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . strtr($class, '\\', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . '.php';

        if (file_exists($file)) {

            include_once $file;
<?php             $pathCode = $this->getPathCode($filesystem, $basePath, $vendorPath, $path).",\n";

            if (!isset($classMap[$class])) {

                $classMap[$class] = $pathCode;

            } elseif ($this->io && $classMap[$class] !== $pathCode && !Preg::isMatch('{/(test|fixture|example|stub)s?/}i', strtr($classMap[$class].' '.$path, '\\', '/'))) {

                $ambiguousClasses[$class][] = $path;


<?php             if (file_exists($dir)) {

                $dirMatch = preg_quote(strtr(realpath($dir), '\\', '/'));

                foreach ($excluded as $index => $pattern) {

                    $pattern = Preg::replace('{^(([^.+*?\[^\]$(){}=!<>|:\\\\#-]+|\\\\[.+*?\[^\]$(){}=!<>|:#-])*).*}', '$1', $pattern);